If you are attending the Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina (AHHC of NC)'s 47th Annual Convention & Expo this year you don't want to miss this informative session on star ratings under the Patient-Driven Groupings Model:
B6 - How Agency Outcomes Affect Star Ratings Under PDGM
Monday, April 29
1:45 - 3:15 pm
This session will review how agency outcomes affect star ratings under PDGM. A case study will be presented focusing on care of the patient with a specific primary diagnosis and differences between caring for the patient under PPS versus PDGM. Key areas of focus will be managing inappropriate LUPAs under PDGM, cost effective approaches for improving functional status of patients under PDGM, and recommended metrics to track under PDGM.
Presented by:

We hope to see you there!