IntelliLogix™ MDS Crosswalk Guide
Is your organization ready for the MDS version 19 changes?
SHP is pleased to provide skilled nursing facilities with a complete side-by-side comparison of the MDS 3.0 Nursing Home Comprehensive (NC) Version 1.18.11 to Version 1.19.1. Items that have been added or removed between the two versions are indicated with color coding.
This guide is an excellent reference for anyone who works with the MDS and will improve accuracy, help reduce coding errors, and potentially reduce the number of returned claims. We recommend printing copies for your staff to aid in the transition to this new MDS and beyond.
See the 1.17.2 to 1.18.11 Guide
For more on how to use the guide, please watch the following video. If you are not already an SHP customer and would like to learn more, schedule a free demo with a team member below.